India - Political reasons, also very poor, dirty and southern india doesn't appeal to me.
Israel - Political reasons, exception for Jerusalem/Al Quds
Southeast Asia - hot, humid, poor, weird food and culture, too many sex predators, ladyboys, 40 year old passport "bros" and sexpats. Only exception would be Malaysia, Brunei and maybe Indonesia although they have a lot of Hindu/Buddhist and liberal influences. Malaysia and Brunei are decent cause they have been civilized by Islam otherwise they would be cesspits like Thailand, Burma and Philippines. Mindanao and Phuket (Muslim natives) are the only exceptions, hopefully they will be free some day.
Turkey - Went there before, not bad, they have a lot of history but I'm not a fan of the way they treat Syrian refugees, the people have anger issues and overall not very pleasant personalities. If I wanted to experience Europe I would visit actual European countries and if I wanted to visit the middle east then I would visit actual middle eastern countries. Also compared to America it seems very impoverished and dirty, istanbul is full of trash and smells odd. Even the German-Turks don't want to go there. Most of the tourists tend to be western Muslims who have this weird idea of Turkey thanks to Ertugrul propaganda but it's really not that impressive, they should take that money to Spain, Greece and Italy.
EDIT: On a second thought, instead of going to southern europe or eastern europe that money should go to Northern Europe - clean, well organized societies, better summer weather, Protestant work ethic, nicer people and less racist, more similar to North America, more confident cause they're not from the peripheries of Europe so they don't feel the need to overcompensate.