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a few more gypsies from Adiyaman . a majority Kurdish province in Türkiye
i am sure that many people in anthroforums when they think of Kurds they actually have our gypsies in mind. what i mean is that our gypsies look their image of Kurds . but Kurds dont look like this . they are gypsies . we Kurds have many gypsies do you fucking get it now ?
in before People dont believe me that These are gypsies . in before "they are just darker Kurds who you show as gypsies" . i have them from these sites :
İlk yurtları Hindistan olan çingeneler yüzyıllar önce farklı nedenlerle dünyanın birçok bölgesine yayılıyor. Bu halka, İngilizcede "Gypsy", İtalyancada "Zingari", Romencede "Tigani", Kafkaslarda "Basa", Suriye'de "Dom", Türkiye'de "Çingene", Kürt bölgelerinde "Karaçi", Trakya'da "Roman"...
Adıyamanlı Domlar (Romanlar), soysal medyada dolaşıma sokulan yalanlarla hedef haline getirildi. Nefret söylemiyle karşı karşıya kalan Domlar yemek dağıtımında da şiddete uğradı.
"Adıyaman'ın çingeneleri: Yardımları herkes hak ediyor, biz canavar mıyız?"
Translation : "Adiyaman gypsies : everybody deserves help . are we monsters ? "
i wonder if the misportrayal of Kurds will ever stop
look at what odelia the piece of shit said : "Collectively they look iranian, afghan and kurdish. Cbf with classifications"
as we already know odelia is most likely not a woman and most likely not the woman on the profile pics . and he is also not italian but most likely a levantine or assyrian
he is a piece of shit troll who trolls multiple peoples including Kurds and Italians .
even though it would be the best to just ignore such lowlife scum i would still like to answer to this nonsense
the iranian balochs do NOT look Kurdish at all . in fact they dont even look like other iranians much .
there is almost no face that can even pass as Kurdish on the collage no joke
this is the collage of the iranian balochs :
compare them to the 1000000 Kurds in that i have posted in this thread . they look very different
but i will also add Kurdish collages below so you can compare the collages too :
oh and in before "you are whitewashing Kurds by posting 100000000 Kurds" ...yeah sure ....
by the way : odelia has already said here in our forum that "she" is not familiar with Kurds . so of course she has no idea what "she" is talking about . but "she" is a troll anyway and most likely knows that what "she" says is not true
today i read on reddit stuff that is just insane . damn man people really dont know how Kurds look like . i am looking at such posts with an open mouth and fatal error in my brain
this delusional south asian thinks he can pass as Kurdish . he made a thread asking if he looks south asian or turkish . and in the comment there are several people saying Turkish and several also saying he looks Kurdish . one particular troll spams the whole thread saying he looks Kurdish and that Kurds have AASI which we dont have
i will probably give up soon . the misportrayal and bullshit is just too much . they are too strong . it is not reversible it seems . i have shown how Kurds look like by posting 10000000000 Kurds including crowd and group pics and large videos . and i have even posted DNA tested (so DNA confirmed) Kurdish faces . AND i have also explained many times the demographical situation in Kurdish regions ...that there are many gypsies , arabs , turkmens , and mixed people . and that our gypsies often larp as Kurdish and arab mixed Kurds do too .
what else can i do ? please tell me . we are the most darkwashed the most misportrayed and most trolled people there is no doubt about it
this is the delusional curry . he can never ever pass as Kurdish . wtf . just wtf
and Kurds are genetically basically like Cretan Greeks predominantly plus some extra Zagros N / CHG . the Zagros N that works the best is the Ganj Dareh I1945 sample . this Iran N sample is the Iran N / Zagros N sample that has the biggest similarity to CHG out of all available Iran N pops
many people are trying to darkwash this component heavily and are claiming ridiculous things
i made a thread on why Zagrosian is NOT an exotic or very dark component and it does not look south asian either . here check the thread out i explained there everything in detail :
PART 1 many People try to darkwash Iran Neolithic / Zagros Neolithic . they think because it Peaks in Balochs / Brahui People it must be a dark component . but they ignore that modern Balochs and Brahuis have south asian admix (AASI , s-Indian) . they are on average 8-10% AASI and 12 - 19%...
but i will post here too quickly how the Zagrosian component actually looks like
these baloch and brahui people are the best proxy you can find to it :
Zagros N was less s-indian (harappaworld ) and more caucasus than modern baloch / brahui . especially Zagros late neolithic which is even more similar to CHG and which is the Zagrosian that we Kurds and other northern west asian people have ancestry from . therefore you have to take LIGHTER AND ALSO NON SOUTH ASIAN LOOKING Baloch / Brahui who are not affected by s-indian / AASI to represent Zagros N . like these :
these people are the modern people who look closest to Zagros N :
the Iran Hotu reconstruction which was mostly Zagros N . it was a female reconstruction which i turned into male + smile using faceapp
That mean Dravidian Elamite hypothesis may be real
So original Dravidian were caucasoi from Mesopotamia but became black after mixing with Vedda aasi Indians when they migrate to south of India but some Brahui retain OG phenotype of elamits
how many more Kurds including DNA confirmed Kurds do i need to post that people finally understand that we Kurds are not like south asians and that we have been misportrayed and darkwashed for years online ?
the things people say about us are just not true .
and no i am not cherrypicking 1000000 Kurds accordingly to prove that we are not curries . thats not what is happening . it is just that it is natural that you will instantly see that we dont look like gypsies or south asians when you look at the 100000 Kurds i have posted because we just dont look like them simple as that
we are even more darkwashed than iranians are . we are the most darkwashed and misportrayed ethnicity please trust me on this i am sure . i am not saying this only because it is my ethnicity . i have observed it for years and have seen a lot and am sure that we are the most misportrayed ethnicity