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Afrikaners genetics


Active member
PDF study about Afrikaners.

It proves once again that only Anglos created majority pure white countries.

It seems that even in the USA and Canada, among French colonists, it's common, respectively, for their descendants to score SSA and Amerindian.

The Boers, despite being Euro looking, score an average of 5% non-Euro genes.

ABSTRACT 36The Afrikaner population of South Africa are the descendants of European colonists who started 37to colonize the Cape of Good Hope in the 1600’s. In the early days of the colony, mixed unions 38between European males and non-European females gave rise to admixed children who later 39became incorporated into either the Afrikaner or the “Coloured" populations of South Africa. 40Ancestry, social class, culture, sex ratio and geographic structure affected admixture patterns and 41caused different ancestry and admixture patterns in Afrikaner and Coloured populations. The 42Afrikaner population has a predominant European composition, whereas the Coloured population 43has more diverse ancestries. Genealogical records estimated the non-European contributions into 44the Afrikaners to 5.5%-7.2%. To investigate the genetic ancestry of the Afrikaner population today 45(11-13 generations after initial colonization) we genotyped ~5 million genome-wide markers in 77 46Afrikaner individuals and compared their genotypes to populations across the world to determine 47parental source populations and admixture proportions. We found that the majority of Afrikaner 48ancestry (average 95.3%) came from European populations (specifically northwestern European 49populations), but that almost all Afrikaners had admixture from non-Europeans. The non-European 50admixture originated mostly from people who were brought to South Africa as slaves and, to a 51lesser extent, from local Khoe-San groups. Furthermore, despite a potentially small founding 52population, there is no sign of a recent bottleneck in the Afrikaner compared to other European 53populations. Admixture among diverse groups during early colonial times might have 54counterbalanced the effects of a founding population with a small census size.



Active member
Having been to South Africa, you can tell that by looking at them. I was in a bar in a predominantly white community, and I bet this dude who would be read a black for sure in North America... but he was white. Like, he lived in a white community, spoke Afrikaans, had a thick white South African accent, ate what whites eat, etc etc. He kinda looked like Colin Kaepernick actually.

In South Africa you also have the Coloureds, Griqua, Baasters, and Oorlam people who are mixes of Khoisan people and Boer settlers. Oorlam are interesting people because they are culturally more African, speak the Nama language instead of Afrikaans for example.

I had to laugh when they were telling *me* I didn't "look white" (a lot of black people said this to me also). Well, they said I didn't look Canadian and they assumed all Canadians were very white. I mean, I look whiter than them, but also, the non-white ancestry I do have comes from the people who were in Canada before white people were there, so like, real Canadian lol.


Active member
I used to think Boers were, because of segregation policies, all pure whites... well, it seems I was wrong.

But they are still very Euro, when it comes to New World Euro genes, they are only behind White Americans/Canadians/Australians/Kiwis, and more Euro than white Latinos.


Active member
I used to think Boers were, because of segregation policies, all pure whites... well, it seems I was wrong.

But they are still very Euro, when it comes to New World Euro genes, they are only behind White Americans/Canadians/Australians/Kiwis, and more Euro than white Latinos.

Segregation policies were only passed in the 1950s. There’s like 300 years of history before then.


Well-known member
A lot of white Americans have some native and black tho but yeah not that common.

Afrikaaners always looked kind of mixed, if anyone has seen the South African cricket team the afrikaaners look more mixed than the Anglo South African players and tanner although idk if it’s cause they’re actually mixed or cause of the whole stereotype than Dutch/Germans tan better than Anglo-celts

Ben Dover

Staff member
A lot of white Americans have some native and black tho but yeah not that common.

Afrikaaners always looked kind of mixed, if anyone has seen the South African cricket team the afrikaaners look more mixed than the Anglo South African players and tanner although idk if it’s cause they’re actually mixed or cause of the whole stereotype than Dutch/Germans tan better than Anglo-celts
Check my thread pal